Sacrilege of Sri Akhand Paath Sahib & Criminal Damage to Gurdwara Sahib Property 

According to maryada (Sikh Code of Conduct) Once an Akhand Paath Sahib (three day reading of SGGS) has begun nothing the Darbar Sahib should be disturbed including even the sheets on the floor, which is why all cleaning and tidying up is done before the beginning of the Akhand Paath Sahib or after never during.

But some of the management committee in their great wisdom had decided that they were not going to take into consideration the thoughts and wishes of the congregation they are meant to be serving but rather strong arm through during the cover of darkness their ill-thought out plans of erecting screens in the Darbar Sahib to segregate the disabled and elderly away from the main congregation, just because they were unable to physically sit on the floor any more.

Certain members of the management committee chose a time when there would be the least amount of congregation at the Gurdwara Sahib to erect the screens, but unfortunately for the families who had their Akhand Paath Sahibs on that night, they chose to do it during the night whilst the Akhand Paath Sahib's being read with no regard or thought of maryada at that time.

Then on another occasion quite soon after the above incident during another Akhand Paath Sahib a member of the management committee along with 12 other man have entered the Darbar Sahib during the night again when there would be the least amount of congregation in attendance. They have ripped out all of the seating for the disabled and elderly and smashed them up and left them in a pile in the car park by the bins. Funnily enough the screens were left intact.

The evidence was all cleared up immediately the following morning by Mr Balbir Singh (President) who locked it away in a container so the congregation attending early in the morning would not see the Criminal Damage. When members of the congregation have rightfully asked for an explanation about the missing seating Mr Balbir Singh would refuse to comment other than "there is nothing we can do they are our own boys".

After a couple of months of members of the congregation demanding in person and in writing answers to why the seating was removed and illegally destroyed and certain members of the committee not willing to discuss the matter in their meetings led to the congregation concious members of the committee refusing to attend meetings until several issues including this one are discussed satisfactorily and decided upon.

Then due to members of the committee without due authority going on stage giving the congregation false information, Mr Gurdial Singh Dhaliwal (General Secretary) was forced to address the whole congregation the following weekend to inform the congregation of the false information given to them by the self serving, corrupt members of the management committee the week before. He also informed the congregation of the other underhanded abuses of process that were taking place at the Gurdwara Sahib which were the cause of a divide in the committee and the reason for which why no management committee had taken place for over 2 months at that time.

Because the perpetrators of the criminal damage and sacrilege were partially exposed by Mr Dhaliwal's speech, they began telling members of the congregation that they had smashed the benches because they were against maryada as they were a centimetre too high. It seems maryada is only relevant when it fits their agenda, otherwise they can do as they please and are answerable to no one. As the we have not received back even one letter of reply from the management committee regarding these deeply disturbing issues.

You can read the letter of complaint sent to the management committee by clicking the icon below.

Letter of Complaint About Sacrilege and Criminal Damage 

Letter of Complaint About Sacrilege and Criminal Damage